\n \n Tap into our network of{\" \"}\n \n 1k+ premium\n {\" \"}\n publishers to tell your brand’s story to hundreds of millions of\n future customers.\n
\n \n Whether you're an emerging brand, an established company, or somewhere\n in between, our{\" \"}\n \n marketplace platform\n {\" \"}\n helps you drive unparalleled sales and brand awareness.\n
\n \n >\n );\n};\n\nexport default BrandsIndexStatic;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport Layout from \"../../components/Layout\";\nimport Seo from \"../../components/Seo\";\nimport loadable from \"@loadable/component\";\nimport LazyLoadSection from \"../../components/LazyLoadSection\";\nimport StaticSection from \"../../components/sections/BrandsIndexStatic\";\n\nconst DeferSection = loadable(() =>\n import(\"../../components/sections/BrandsIndexDefer\")\n);\n\nconst IndexPage = () => (\n